In today's video, I have some great news for the iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus users who stayed on iOS 10.3.x and even lower! Meridian Jailbreak will soon receive a Cydia update. Sparkes has posted on his Twitter account just a couple hours ago a screenshot with Cydia fully working and installing the tweaks with no error. He has also posted a screenshot in which the device (possibly an iPhone 7) had a status bar tweak running.
This is very good news for the iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus users, because, although G0blin Jailbreak has been released weeks ago for iOS 10.3.x, it never supported iPhone 7 and 7 Plus, literally leaving the users of these devices in the dark. Meridian was also being developed during that timeframe, but it has stayed in Beta 6 with no working Cydia for quite a while, enough that people thought Sparkes is no longer working on it. Turns out that he does work on it still, and Cydia is now working.
So, for those of you who didn't update to iOS 11.2.x, you'll receive a Jailbreak with Cydia very soon. Meridian Jailbreak works on iOS 10 all the way up to iOS 10.3.3, and it also supports the rest of the 64-Bit devices, so you can use this one instead of Yalu, Saigon, and G0blin if you wish. I will keep you updated once the Cydia build is released by Sparkes, but I also recommend following him on Twitter.
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▽ Resources ▽
▶ Learn how to make iOS Apps!
▶ Meridian Jailbreak
▶ Meridian Compatibility List
▶ New iOS 11.2/iOS 11.2.1/11.2.2 Kernel BUG To Be Released Soon
▶ NEW iOS 11.1.2/11.0 JAILBREAK (LiberiOS) RELEASED! | What you need to know!