Electra RC1 With CYDIA RELEASED FOR DEVS & UNTETHERED iOS 10.x Jailbreak Possible

In today's video, we're discussing the current status of Cydia and Electra development for iOS 11.0 up to iOS 11.1.2, and we also have some great news regarding a possible untethered iOS 10.x Jailbreak for iPhone 7, iPhone 6S and iPhone 6, and also an important fix for the Cydia Impactor which mitigates the issue that appeared yesterday where people could not sideload IPAs anymore, especially Electra.

IBSparkes, the developer behind the iOS 10.x up to iOS 10.3.3 64-Bit Jailbreak, Meridian, has announced just a few hours ago on his twitter the fact that in theory, an iOS 10.x untethered jailbreak would be possible for iPhone 6, 6S and iPhone 7. However, he said that testing has to be done and he is in need of testing devices. If you can help Sparkes with a donation for development devices, go ahead, it would definitely help him a lot!

Coolstar, on the other hand, is a bit pissed off. Following the release of Electra RC1, a private build for developers containing Cydia, so that the developers can update their packages, a lot of people started claiming they're also developers so that they can get the private build early. Some of them got to the point where they claimed other developer's tweaks. Coolstar has exposed some of them on Twitter and highly condemned the act. He also stated that actions like this make Electra with Cydia to be delayed even more because legit developers can now no longer get in touch with Coolstar, this requiring now a better verification which takes more time. My advice is, if you are not a developer, don't lie about it just to get Electra. Since it is a version created for developers it won't benefit you in any way. Developers know how to fix a problem if it appears, but you don't. You will end up complaining to Coolstar that he broke your device. Just wait like anybody else for the public release. Sorry for the rant, but it is annoying when developers have to deal with this bull.

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▽ Resources ▽
Learn how to make iOS Apps!
How to remove to.panga
Electra Jailbreak
Follow IBSparkes
More details about Meridian Jailbreak


About GeoSn0w

C#, C, Objective-C Programmer | Beginner iOS Security Researcher | Content Creator | Web Developer I like to bring the latest news from the iOS / iDevice / Jailbreak battlefield to you in a beautiful manner :) I hope you like the site. If you do, don't forget to check out my channel :)