In today’s tutorial, I am going to show you how to install REAL #Android X (latest) on your iPhone (iPhone 6 all the way up to iPhone X) in dual-boot with iOS. With this tutorial, you will keep your iOS and can boot normally to it, but you can also boot into real Android X…
Category Archives: iPhone 7
iOS 10.3.3/10.3.2/10.x Meridian Jailbreak Update: CYDIA WORKING! (iPhone 7/7+ too)
In today's video, I have some great news for the iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus users who stayed on iOS 10.3.x and even lower! Meridian Jailbreak will soon receive a Cydia update. Sparkes has posted on his Twitter account just a couple hours ago a screenshot with Cydia fully working and installing the tweaks…
iOS 11.2.5/11.1.2/11.0/10.3.3 JAILBREAK Important Update | G0blin RC2, Cydia
In today's video, we're going to sum up the current situation of the jailbreak community for the iOS 11.x and iOS 10.3.x Jailbreak. We're going to cover the current status of g0blin jailbreak, Electra Jailbreak, Meridian Jailbreak, and the currently available exploits for iOS 11.2 and iOS 11.2.2. G0blin jailbreak is currently the recommended jailbreak…
iOS 11.2/11.2.2 New Jailbreak Hopes | Electra Jailbreak Toolkit Beta 6
In today's video, we're discussing some interesting news in the world of jailbreaking. Coolstar has announced the fact that Electra's patches may be working with #iOS 11.2 and iOS 11.2.x, however, a new kernel exploit will be required. Currently, there is no kernel exploit available publicly that supports iOS 11.2 and iOS 11.2.x, but Pandora…
iOS 10.3.3/10.0 Meridian Jailbreak Released (Including iPhone 7/7+) | All you need to know
In today's video, we're discussing the Meridian 64-Bit Jailbreak created by IBSparkes and many other community members. The jailbreak should, in theory, work on iOS 10.3.3 down to iOS 10.0, which means that you should be able to use it as a replacement for Yalu Jailbreak on iOS 10.2 and lower, and as a replacement…
iOS 11.1.2 / 11 / 10.3.3 / 10.3 JAILBREAK UPDATE: NEW JAILBREAKS, COOLBOOTER, etc.
In today's video, we're gonna recap what's currently going on in the Jailbreak community. It has been a very very busy week for developers, there are currently 5 different iOS 10.3.x (including iOS 10.3.3) Jailbreaks for 64-Bit Devices being developed and LiberiOS Jailbreak for iOS 11.x up to iOS 11.1.2 has been released by Jonathan…
How to Bypass iCloud Activation FULLY On Any iPhone / iPad (iOS 11) With Proofs (TUTORIAL)
In this video, I am going to show you how to use the bug discovered by in iOS 11.x to bypass / completely remove #iCloud Activation on any #iPhone, iPad or iPod touch running iOS 11.0.x or iOS 11. In order for this method to work on your device, the account to which it…
Great news for those who stayed on iOS 10.x, Google Project 0 has done it again, they've managed to get remote Kernel Code Execution by exploiting the firmware of the WiFi Chip. According to hacker @siguza, this can most likely be used in a jailbreak for iOS 10.3.3 and lower, and not maybe even usable…
In today's video we're discussing some important news about Apple's newest release, that is, the iOS 11.0.3 which aims to fix some huge bugs on #iOS 11. Some of these bugs really messed stuff up when iPhone 6S and quite possible other models started to act erratically on touches on the screen. The bug appeared…
Great News For JAILBREAK: Apple Open-Sourced The iOS Kernel
In a very unexpected turn of events, Apple has Open-Sourced the iOS Kernel (arm and arm64) on GitHub. The XNU Kernel has been open-source for years, but not the iOS one, and not to the extent it is right now! Initially, everyone thought this is a huge mistake from Apple's end, or a leaked tarball,…