How to Bypass iCloud Activation FULLY On Any iPhone / iPad (iOS 11) With Proofs (TUTORIAL)

In this video, I am going to show you how to use the bug discovered by in iOS 11.x to bypass / completely remove #iCloud Activation on any #iPhone, iPad or iPod touch running iOS 11.0.x or iOS 11.

In order for this method to work on your device, the account to which it is locked must have 2FA (Second Factor Authentication) enabled. Some accounts don't have that, but many do. In the video, I show you exactly how to tell whether 2FA is enabled or not. Also, for this to work, you must be on iOS 11.0.x or iOS 11.1. This is most likely patched in iOS 11.2 as it is a huge bug!

Don't try this on iOS 10, iOS 9 or iOS 8, it only works on iOS 11, this means that iPhone 5, 5C and 4S can't be unlocked with this method because these devices can't update to iOS 11.

This can be patched at any time in the future, so if you're trying this on anything newer than iOS 11.1, it is very likely patched. This video is for EDUCATIONAL PURPOSE ONLY. You are the only one liable for the way you decide to use this information. 

Remember that, while Apple does enforce activation of Second Factor Authentication (2FA) lately if your device has a passcode, some older accounts may not have that activated, and 2FA is absolutely necessary for this procedure to work. You can easily check whether the account to which your device is locked has 2FA enabled or not, by going to the activation setup page. Instead of "Activation Help" you should see a button called "Unlock with passcode" if you have that you can unlock it with this method, but if you have "Activation Help" instead, you can't use this method since 2FA is not enabled on the account.

Devices unlocked through this bug are pretty much unlocked forever as they are activated normally, not bypassed. In this case, the "No Service" after bypass problem will not appear, SIM card will work, the device can update without being locked again and iTunes will work perfectly fine with the device. Normally, bypasses are skipping steps or the entire Setup.App on the phone, this bug allows us to not skip anything, but rather to activate in a different way. Since an activation ticket is received from the Apple server, both the server and the device will think it has been activated and so iCloud will be turned off, enabling you to sign into your own account. Very powerful bug, no wonder Apple patched it on iOS 11.2 Beta.

Remember that you should only use this method on devices that are not lost or stolen. Don't take advantage of this bug in any illegal ways, as you are the only one liable for the way you use the bug.



▽ Resources ▽
My other video about this bypass
iCloud Bypass Status Website
iOS 11.0.3 Bug Article + Tutorial
The original source of this bug
iOS 11 IPSWs


About GeoSn0w

C#, C, Objective-C Programmer | Beginner iOS Security Researcher | Content Creator | Web Developer I like to bring the latest news from the iOS / iDevice / Jailbreak battlefield to you in a beautiful manner :) I hope you like the site. If you do, don't forget to check out my channel :)