In today's video, I have great news for those of you who waited so long for the #Meridian #Jailbreak by IBSparkes, especially for iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus users on #iOS 10.3.x who did not have a choice but to either update into uncertainty or wait. The public beta released more than 8 months…
Tag Archives: iOS 10.3.1 Jailbreak
iOS 10.3.3/10.3.2/10.x Meridian Jailbreak Update: CYDIA WORKING! (iPhone 7/7+ too)
In today's video, I have some great news for the iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus users who stayed on iOS 10.3.x and even lower! Meridian Jailbreak will soon receive a Cydia update. Sparkes has posted on his Twitter account just a couple hours ago a screenshot with Cydia fully working and installing the tweaks…
iOS 11.2.5/11.1.2/11.0/10.3.3 JAILBREAK Important Update | G0blin RC2, Cydia
In today's video, we're going to sum up the current situation of the jailbreak community for the iOS 11.x and iOS 10.3.x Jailbreak. We're going to cover the current status of g0blin jailbreak, Electra Jailbreak, Meridian Jailbreak, and the currently available exploits for iOS 11.2 and iOS 11.2.2. G0blin jailbreak is currently the recommended jailbreak…
iOS 11.2/11.2.2 New Jailbreak Hopes | Electra Jailbreak Toolkit Beta 6
In today's video, we're discussing some interesting news in the world of jailbreaking. Coolstar has announced the fact that Electra's patches may be working with #iOS 11.2 and iOS 11.2.x, however, a new kernel exploit will be required. Currently, there is no kernel exploit available publicly that supports iOS 11.2 and iOS 11.2.x, but Pandora…
iOS 10.3.1 / 10.3.2 / 10.3.3 / 11 Jailbreak December Update | Some Good News
In today's video, we're talking the current situation of the iOS 10.3.1, iOS 10.3.2, iOS 10.3.3 and iOS 11.x Jailbreak as for the first week of December. After running a channel poll, I have come to the conclusion that a very big chunk of my audience is running iOS 11.x, which is not the best…
iOS 10.3.1 Jailbreak: Saigon Jailbreak Now Supports iOS 10.3.1 (Experimental)
Some great news coming from the Saigon jailbreak. Normally an iOS 10.2.1 Jailbreak, it has been updated recently to apparently hint upcoming support for iOS 10.3.1 Jailbreak. It has currently NOT been tested, so it is hard to tell how it will progress, but the simple fact that someone is currently working on iOS 10.3.1…
iOS 10.3.3, iOS 10.3.2, iOS 10.3.1 JAILBREAK (XIG TEAM) UPDATE: Compatibility
In today's video we're discussing again about the XIG Team. As I promised, I am keeping you updated with everything that happens in the iOS Community, so here we go. The XIG Team have been quite active on Twitter lately, and although we still don't have a complete proof that they're legit, there are only…
XigTeam Confirms The Jailbreak Will Only Work For iPhone 7 and 7 Plus
In this follow up video, we're discussing again about the Xig Team. We've discussed about them and their presumed jailbreak in yesterday's video. As I said, they're followed by Liang Chen and members of the Fried Apple Team. Although it isn't entirely sure whether it's fake or legit, they've announced today on their twitter the…
iOS 10.3 New Jailbreak by Jailbreak-Official | Is it legit? In-Depth Analysis
Today I am going to take a look at a link given to me by some of you on twitter. This alleged Jailbreak tool by Jailbreak-Official claims to work by modifying an IPSW and restoring it using LibiMobileDevice components. The claims are pretty heavy considering the lack of iBoot exploits for 64-Bit devices and even…
iOS 10.3.1 / 10.3.2 Current Jailbreak Status (June Week 1), iOS 11 & New Downgrade
In today's video we're discussing about the current situation on the Jailbreak world as well as what you should do if you're currently not Jailbroken. As you probably remember, a couple of days ago Apple has released the first iOS 11 Beta to the registered Developers and, of course, quite a lot of people wanted…