In today's video I am gonna be showing you how to install iOS 11.1 Beta on your iPhone without using the computer and without having an Apple Developer Account. This works for all devices that support iOS 11 (iPhone 5S and up). The reasons one may want to use a Developer Beta iOS version are…
Category Archives: iOS BETAS
iOS 10.3.3 Beta 3 | Important Jailbreak Advice | Should you downgrade to iOS 10.3.1?
Today Apple has released the iOS 10.3.3 Beta 3, which means we're one step closer to the iOS 10.3.3 final version which will most likely stop the signing window of iOS 10.3.1, the safest iOS 10.3.x version for Jailbreak. Now that iOS 11 beta 1 is up, a lot of people upgraded from iOS 10.3.1…
iOS 10.3.1 / 10.3.2 Current Jailbreak Status (June Week 1), iOS 11 & New Downgrade
In today's video we're discussing about the current situation on the Jailbreak world as well as what you should do if you're currently not Jailbroken. As you probably remember, a couple of days ago Apple has released the first iOS 11 Beta to the registered Developers and, of course, quite a lot of people wanted…
iOS 10.3.3 B2, WWDC17, iOS 11 | How is The Jailbreak Influenced
In today's video we're going to discuss about a couple of very important topics: Apple has released the Beta 2 of the iOS 10.3.3, that is now available for anyone to download, and at the same time, WWDC 17 is rapidly coming. Starting on June 5, the WWDC 17 will also reveal the iOS 11…
iOS 10.3.1 – Should You Update If You’re On iOS 10.2.1 or 10.2?
In today's video we're discussing about whether you should update to iOS 10.3.1 if your device currently runs iOS 10.2.1 or iOS 10.3, iOS 10.2, including the iPhone 7. For some reason I have a feeling that Apple will most likely fiddle with the TSS status this week and stop signing iOS 10.3.1, which means…
iOS 10.3.1 Pangu Jailbreak & MOSEC News | iOS 10.3.2 Delayed
In today's video we're discussing about some great news regarding the MOSEC (Mobile Security Conference) 2017 organized by PoC and Pangu Team, we're briefly talking about Pangu's iOS 10.3.1 demoed Jailbreak and how it might be influencing the release of iOS 10.3.2 / iOS 10.3.2 Beta 6 and what you should do. A couple weeks…
iOS 10.3.2 Beta – iPhone 5/5C Dropped | iOS 9.3.5 Jailbreak
Today we're discussing about a rather peculiar event in the Apple world, that is, the release of iOS 10.3.2 Beta that drops 32-Bits completely. Yes! Apple skipped iOS 10.3.1 completely and directly jump to iOS 10.3.2 for no obvious reason. iOS 10.3 was released only 1 day prior the release of the strange iOS 10.3.2,…
iOS 10.3 RELEASED! | Any Chances For Jailbreak?
Apple has released today a bunch of updates for: tvOS, macOS, and of course, iOS 10.3 which finally exists the Beta stage after 7 Betas to bring you new features such as AirPods locating using Find My iPhone, Siri improvements, bug fixes and of course, the new APFS or Apple File system format which replaces…
iOS 10.3 Downgrade To 10.2 – How to Save SHSH2 for iOS 10.3 Beta
Today I have a follow up to the video in which we discussed about the fact that you can use Prometheus / FutureRestore to downgrade from iOS 10.3 Beta 1 back to iOS 10.2 and Jailbreak with Yalu if you've saved your SHSH2 Blobs. This is possible because iOS 10.3 Beta 1 (that is still…
iOS 10.3 Downgrade to iOS 10.2 | iOS 10.2.1 Save SHSH2 Blobs
In today's video I have some astonishing news! The Prometheus (FutureRestore) tool that was created by @tihmstar is definitely working on iOS 10.3 Beta 1 and iOS 10.3 is still creating nonce collisions. There were a few cases reported in which people managed to downgrade from iOS 10.3 Beta 1 all the way back to…