In today's video we're discussing about iOS 10.3.3 and lower downgrades and downgrade methods that you can or cannot use depending on the file you have saved. Tihmstar has recently updated the FutureRestore application and fixed some more of the errors on it.
Normally, there are 4 downgrade option available for you, but with various requirements.As you may probably know the .SHSH or the SHSH2 files are very important and in most of the cases a downgrade without them on iOS is not possible.
A lot of people are still trying the Nonce Collision method that is unfortunately not working anymore. It was based on a bug that allowed the same nonce (supposed to be unique every time) to be generated multiple times and to match one saved inside a SHSH2 blob. Starting with iOS 10.2.1, this method can no longer be used, therefore, if you want to be able to downgrade, nowadays you need to be Jailbroken and to have the SHSH2 files saved!
32-Bit device owners who saved their SHSH blobs might be a bit luckier as they might be able to use alitek's ReRestore bug. You can only use that if you've already saved your iOS 9.x blobs when the specific version was signed.
SHSH2 blobs are unique for each device and cannot be forged, and therefore, you cannot build a custom one if you did not saved one while the iOS version in cause was still signed.
Latest version of FutureRestore
FutureRestore Project on GitHub
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