iOS 10.3.3 Downgrade Possibilities, New Future Restore, iOS Downgrade Methods

In today's video we're discussing about iOS 10.3.3 and lower downgrades and downgrade methods that you can or cannot use depending on the file you have saved. Tihmstar has recently updated the FutureRestore application and fixed some more of the errors on it. Normally, there are 4 downgrade option available for you, but with various…

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iOS DualBoot – NEW COOLBOOTER (32-Bit Jailbroken DualBoot) CLI UPDATE

Yes! A couple hours ago we've got yet another update to Coolbooter, exactly after I've published the video about the update made 3 days ago. This time the update is for CoolBooter CLI instead of CoolBooter App (the difference is that the CLI tool works in Terminal while the App represents a normal iOS application)…

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How to Jailbreak iPhone 5 / 5C / 4S on iOS 9.3.4 with Home Depot

In a relatively strange turn of events, a FULL Jailbreak was released finally for 32-Bit devices (iPhone 5, 5C, 4S, iPod Touch 5Th Generation and some iPADs). By full Jailbreak we mean that it installs a fully functional Cydia on the Jailbroken device, allowing you to install tweaks, themes and so on. It is so…

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