Today so we have 3 IMPORTANT things to discuss about Jailbreak, Prometheus Downgrade and iOS 10.2.
We're going to start with iOS 10.2 and why you MUST save your SHSH2 blobs now! Something really cool is going on. Actually, the one who *suggested* us to save the blobs is qwertyoruiop (Luca Todesco) who said iOS 10.2 might play a key role in a future custom kernel project (as it is compatible with his KPP attacking techniques), so in the video I show you 2 reliable methods of saving these very important tickets.
*Saving SHSH2 tickets allows you to be able to downgrade in the future back to 10.2, lacking them, you won't be able to downgrade, not even if you Jailbreak.
In this video we also discuss about Prometheus downgrade tool, about Apple TSS server, possible patches and iOS 10.1.1 Jailbreak Status. By status, I mean where we are at this point, whether is safe to use the Beta 4 right now and when we can expect the next release.
As you can see, a lot of useful info stacked in a single video so pay attention 🙂
More About Prometheus Downgrade:
iOS 10.1.1 Jailbreak Beta 4: