iOS 10.3.3 Downgrade Possibilities, New Future Restore, iOS Downgrade Methods

In today's video we're discussing about iOS 10.3.3 and lower downgrades and downgrade methods that you can or cannot use depending on the file you have saved. Tihmstar has recently updated the FutureRestore application and fixed some more of the errors on it. Normally, there are 4 downgrade option available for you, but with various…

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iOS 9.3.5 – iPhone 4S Setup.App Patch | How to use the patches with Odysseus (Downgrade)

As you requested in the comments section, I created and released the Setup.App patch for iOS 9.3.5 (Genoa) for iPhone 4S and I also explain this video how Odysseus works (for Downgrades using iBSS, iBEC and ASR patches) and where you should seek help during your downgrade or CFW creation. A comprehensive F.A.Q. page for…

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