This week as the week before, was a very active week on the Jailbreak community. The Pangu Jailbreak that was demoed a week ago still get us hyped, but a lot of new things have happened during the past few days and we discussed about the major events already in separate videos, but today I've decided to combine everything we know about the Pangu Jailbreak situation and to include everything new that we learned this week.
The Pangu Jailbreak was rumored a lot lately. During this week, a rumor said that Pangu might have sold their Jailbreak to Apple for 1 Million dollars, fortunately, the rumor was confirmed false a day after that. This week we've also caught the so called "credible source" who said that Pangu will release the Jailbreak with PP Assistant. He changed his name, his profile picture and he removed all his tweets including the very popular one that he has published on the same day when Pangu demoed their Jailbreak at Janus Conference.
Apple is most likely going to release iOS 10.3.2 next week, which will be a very important decision for the jailbreaker, because updating to iOS 10.3.1 will be required if the jailbreak is released, but at the same time one should not update to iOS 10.3.1 until we have any clear signs of a release from Pangu. This might be a hard decision to make because iOS 10.3.1 will not be signed forever. Once iOS 10.3.2 is released, we have approximately 1 week or even less to decide. I will keep you updated with anything you need to do as the events unfold.
For record, saving your SHSH2 blobs for iOS 10.3.1 is REQUIRED. Tihmstar has confirmed this week that Prometheus Downgrade method is in fact still working and compatible with iPhone 6 and above. I recommend you to pay attention to the channel as I will keep you updated when something important happens.
Pangu selling the jailbreak to Apple RUMOR
Pangu selling the jailbreak confirmed false
FAKE Pangu Jailbreak IPAs Warning
HOW To SAVE Your SHSH2 Blobs Properly