A very interested article yesterday claims the fact that Pangu might have sold their iOS 10.3.1 Jailbreak exploits to Apple for $ 1,200,000 which is, in my opinion a very big amount of money that Apple would simply not pay for an userland Jailbreak. If we take a loom at their Bug Bounty program, we can quickly see the fact that the biggest amount Apple pays is $ 200,000 and that is for a vulnerability on the Secure BootROM. Vulnerabilities on the bootrom can't be patched via software update, and that makes such vulnerability a very rare and powerful one. Speaking about the jailbreak, pwning the kernel is usually paid with $ 50,000 by Apple, and that only in certain situations, that makes me believe that the info might not be accurate. Pangu hasn't commented anything about the rumors, neither confirming them nor dismissing them.
At the same time, the guy who posted a couple of days ago on twitter the fact that Pangu will work with PP Assistant and will release a Jailbreak for iOS 10.3.1 in a week just changed his name, his profile picture, and removed all his previous tweets including that one. The community was trolled. I have no idea why some people thought he had any kind of affiliation to Pangu. Although Pangu Jailbreak remains legit, we have no idea whether they are going to release it or not so DO NOT UPDATE to iOS 10.3.1!
The article about Pangu
Apple's Bug Bounty Details
The "Credible Source" Exposed
Some good news