iOS 10.3.1 Jailbreak New Kernel Exploit Coming, SAVE YOUR BLOBS!

In today's video we're going to quickly discuss some great news in the Jailbreak community.  A New Privilege Escalation Exploit for iOS 10.2 to 10.3.x might be released by Adam Donenfeld who is a security researcher. He has posted on his twitter that the exploit is already written and it will be released during "conferences' season in summer". By conference he is probably meaning HITB GSEC one. The security researcher advised people to save their SHSH blobs.

The reason this is important is very simple, according to Adam, the exploit works on iOS 10.2 too, so this means it might be working on iOS 10.2.1 as well, but most important, iOS 10.3 and iOS 10.3.1. The reddit post that was made around this was a bit over-exaggerated saying a Jailbreak will be release, but it was definitely close. See, once such powerful exploit is in the wild, I think a Jailbreak team will pick it! It would be easier for a Jailbreaker to build his tool when such powerful Kernel exploit exists in the wild, in fact that's what happened back on iOS 10.1.1 with mach_portal Jailbreak that used exploits from Ian Beer of Google Project Zero and Luca's personal exploits. This might repeat again (with different people involved).

On Jailbreak Reddit community, someone started a discussion thread about the Jailbreak that might be produced with this exploit and if it is untethered. I think is very early to talk about that considering we won't see this exploit released until the late summer. Although not released yet, even if a developer takes the exploit from where Adam drops it and builds a tool around it (would definitely require more exploits), I don't think it will be untethered. The persistence of the Jailbreak (a.k.a the untether) requires exploit that would allow the Kernel to be patched at boot-time, which is no longer that common nowadays.

Just thought I should keep you informed on this, as it seems pretty great to have another security researcher dropping exploits. Please follow his advice and SAVE your blobs. If you wanna risk a bit, you might update to iOS 10.3.1 IF you're NOT already jailbroken, but considering the fact that the exploit is compatible with iOS 10.2 (and so I think with 10.2.1 too), you might not need to do so. Keep in mind, this researcher is not linked with Pangu, therefore this means we have 2 different entities working pwning iOS 10.3.x.


iOS 10.3.1 Pangu Jailbreak & MOSEC News | iOS 10.3.2 Delayed
Yalu Jailbreak Forever – How to Resign Yalu Automatically (No PC)
iOS 11, WWDC 17 & iOS 10.3.1 Jailbreak Info, Save SHSH2
1Conan's TSSSaver
iOS 10 Downgrade – Save Your SHSH2 Blobs on iPhone (No PC)
The discussion on Reddit Jailbreak
How to save your SHSH2 Blobs



About GeoSn0w

C#, C, Objective-C Programmer | Beginner iOS Security Researcher | Content Creator | Web Developer I like to bring the latest news from the iOS / iDevice / Jailbreak battlefield to you in a beautiful manner :) I hope you like the site. If you do, don't forget to check out my channel :)