iOS 10.3.1 / 10.3.2 Cydia Alternative (TweakBox) | Kodi, NDS4iOS, EveryCord, Snapchat++ & More

In today's video I will present you the TweakBox which is a Cydia Alternative, otherwise known as a 3rd party App Store that enables you to get some apps that would normally be rejected in the App store, just like you get them on a jailbroken device. Now, 3rd party app stores or Cydia alternatives are quite common but most of them suffer from an inherited flaw: most of the apps refuse to install. It is not the case of TweakBox. All apps I've tested from TweakBox were successfully installed on the device, being it a 32-Bit device or a 64-Bit one, heck, the video itself was made on an iPhone 5C so the 32-Bit compatibility is definitely in place.

Using TweakBox you can download most of the ++ apps (like SnapChat++, Instagram++, Twitter++ etc.) and some really interesting apps like Kodi, EveryCord, iNDS, NDS4iOS, GBA4iOS, Delta and many many others. It also has a section for game hacks if that is your thing. At the end of the day, even of TweakBox can't provide the same feeling a Jailbreak would, it is still a great thing to have on the non-jailbroken devices, especially for the variety of emulators.

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About GeoSn0w

C#, C, Objective-C Programmer | Beginner iOS Security Researcher | Content Creator | Web Developer I like to bring the latest news from the iOS / iDevice / Jailbreak battlefield to you in a beautiful manner :) I hope you like the site. If you do, don't forget to check out my channel :)