Two weeks ago, at MOSEC 2017, KeenLab has demonstrated a new Jailbreak for iOS 11 Beta and for iOS 10.3.2 on both iPhone 7 and other 64-Bit devices. The presentation was made by Liang Chen of KeenLab. In the official MOSEC 2017 schedule, you can find Liang with a presentation called "Revisiting the Kernel Security Enhancements in iOS 10", no word about a Jailbreak. Anyways, during the MOSEC 2017, Liang has demonstrated the jailbreak which remained private for the moment. His actual presentation, the "Revisiting the Kernel Security Enhancements in iOS 10" is now available on GitHub for anyone to read. This is quite nice considering the fact that, as far as I know, MOSEC doesn't publish video footage of the presentations online.
We're now finally able to take a sneak peek at the presentation in which the Jailbreak was also demonstrated. The presentation is very well made and definitely helps developers that are interested in iOS Jailbreaking. Of course, you can also understand why the amount of Jailbreak releases has seen a severe decrease in the past year by reading the presentation. Liang presents very well some important vulnerabilities that have been used in various Jailbreaks including Pangu Jailbreak, Yalu Jailbreak, mach_portal, extra_recipe, and explain the underlying issue and also the fix Apple used to patch the vulnerability.
I encourage anyone to read the presentation, especially if you're interested in the topic. I found it very interesting and it is indeed a good read. You can open the keynote file either on Keynote on a mac or on an iDevice, or you can navigate to, sign in, and use the Online Keynote tool to view the presentation.
KeenLab's Presentation at MOSEC
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