Today, I have some great news for those of you using App Valley, it has gone native. The #Cydia alternative for non-jailbroken devices, App Valley, which provides ++ Apps and modded games has now become an iOS native application rather than a profile that loads a webclip. This, of course, gives the author the ability…
Tag Archives: Kodi
iOS 10.3.1 / 10.3.2 Cydia Alternative (TweakBox) | Kodi, NDS4iOS, EveryCord, Snapchat++ & More
In today's video I will present you the TweakBox which is a Cydia Alternative, otherwise known as a 3rd party App Store that enables you to get some apps that would normally be rejected in the App store, just like you get them on a jailbroken device. Now, 3rd party app stores or Cydia alternatives…