In today’s video, I am going to show you how to use PDFelement to professionally edit PDF documents on your Apple iMac, or on your Windows computer. PDFelement allows you to perform a large variety of tasks, such as converting PDFs, editing, OCR, creating PDF Forms, modifying any part of a PDF such as Font,…
Category Archives: OSX Tricks
IOHIDeous Exploit Presentation RELEASED! (Useful for Aspiring Jailbreak Developers)
In today's video, we're discussing the release of siguza's presentation from Zer0con 2018 called "The HIDeous parts of IOKit". The presentation talks about exploit techniques and how to get started with analysis on the IOKit components. The presentation is heavily based on the write-up of the IOHIDeous vulnerability for macOS that siguza dropped at the…
How to put older iPhones (4, 3GS, 3G) in PWNED DFU FOR CFW / JAILBREAK on Newer macOS
If you have an older iPhone, iPod or iPad (3GS, 4, 3G, 2G, and so on), and an iMac running a newer version of macOS in 2017, you might have figured out already how hard it is to jailbreak/restore a CFW on these legacy devices. Most of the existing tools like RedSn0w would give errors…
How to Run Windows Apps and Games on macOS (OS X) [NO VirtualBox / No Emulators]
Mac owner? Wanna play some games for #Windows or you want to run a Windows program but you don't want to use VirtualBox? Well, there is actually a way. You can open Windows applications on a mac and have them benefit of the entire CPU and RAM without Virtualization or Emulation. I am talking about…
How OS X 10.11.6 – ROOT Exploit Works (Explained)
In today's video I will show you a great OS X Exploit for ROOT Privileges Escalation and we're going to analyze how it works, what is the vulnerability behind it and how the exploit is being implemented. This powerful exploit spawns a root shell console even if the user from where the exploit is being…
iOS 10.1.1 – How to Save SHSH2 Blobs For Future iOS Downgrades (TSSChecker)
In today's video I have something very important to show you. How to save the SHSH2 Blobs from your device to be able to use them with Prometheus in the future. Prometheus is an upcoming downgrade tool for all arm64 devices, but it requires saved blobs to work and not any type of blobs, the…
How To Install OS X 10.2 On Your Windows PC using PearPC (No VirtualBOX)
In today's video, I will show you something you've wanted for quite a log time, how to install / run OS X 10.2 on Windows without VirtualBox. This method is simple, fast, compatible and does not require messing with Virtual BOX's peculiar settings. Although OS X 10.2 is an older version, it provides access to…
iOS 10 – How to clean your iPhone / Remove Data Using iMyfone Umate Pro
Today, we're reviewing the iMyfone Umate Pro, a great application that helps you keep your iDevice clean and working as fast as possible. Also, this application has a built-in state of the art file destroyer that you can use if you want to make sure nobody, not even the best laboratory specialized in Data Recovery…
iOS 10.1.1 – iPhone 5S How to Full CFW iCloud Bypass OS X (+Proofs)
In today's video, as per your request, I will show you how to create the CFW for iPhone 5S iCloud Bypass on iOS 10.1.1 (latest version at this moment), on OS X. If you are instead looking for the Windows tutorial, check down in the description for the link. The custom firmware process is different…
iOS 10 Beta 4 – iPhone 5 – iCloud Bypass With CFW Full Tutorial + Proofs
Today I created a tutorial for those who wanna try iOS 10 for building CFWs. As you most likely know, iOS 10 betas are NOT encrypted, hence, your ability to perform modifications without any ROOT FS Keys on any devices being it iPhone 6, 6S or 5. This tutorial uses the Setup.App Patch that I…