In today's video, as per your request, I will show you how to create the CFW for iPhone 5S iCloud Bypass on iOS 10.1.1 (latest version at this moment), on OS X. If you are instead looking for the Windows tutorial, check down in the description for the link.
The custom firmware process is different as now we also need to make the file read only again after modification, so watch the entire video carefully to avoid issues.
This is a work progress, it is crucial for you to read the F.A.Q. (Frequent Asked Questions), the page contains details and fixes for various errors that can occur due to the work in progress status of this project. This might not work with all iPhone 5S variants. Please don't ask me about other devices. When I publish a tutorial for other devices, you will surely find it.
Although I said we might need to use F.C.E. 365 Lilo App, it wasn't the case, no need to download it.
This project is provided as a work in progress, "as is" without any further guarantees. Only for Educational and Research Purposes.
Read Write:
hdiutil convert filename.dmg -format UDRW -o newfile.dmgRead Only:
hdiutil convert filename.dmg -format UDRO -o newfile.dmg
Setup.App File:
iPhone 5S iOS 10.1.1 Bypass on Windows:
F.A.Q Page (READ IT!):