In today's video, I have great news for those of you who waited so long for the #Meridian #Jailbreak by IBSparkes, especially for iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus users on #iOS 10.3.x who did not have a choice but to either update into uncertainty or wait. The public beta released more than 8 months…
Tag Archives: meridian
iOS 10.3.3/10.x MERIDIAN JAILBREAK Update: Should You Update To iOS 11.3.1?
In today's video, we're gonna discuss the current situation of the Meridian Jailbreak for iOS 10.3.3 and lower, especially for the iPhone 7 and the 7 Plus and we're going to answer a question I've been getting quite frequently lately, especially after Keenlab demonstrated their iOS 11.3.1 private jailbreak, "should you update to iOS 11.3.1…
iOS 11.3/11.2.x Jailbreak Update: Saurik News, New Vulnerability Write-ups Published
In today's video, we're discussing some important news on saurik and his continuous struggle to keep the jailbreak in good lights. Since 2012, A DMCA exemption made the process of jailbreaking your iOS device completely legal. In 2015, saurik has presented his points in front of the committee yet again managing to extend the DMCA…
iOS 11.2/11.2.6 JAILBREAK UPDATE: April Week 2: Houdini, Kernel Vulns, Current Progress
In today's video, we're discussing the latest jailbreak news in terms of iOS 11.2 all the way up to iOS 11.2.6, and all the vulnerabilities that are currently available for this iOS range and that are useful for the jailbreak process. A lot of vulnerabilities have been made publicly available in the past couple of…
PANGU Jailbreak Team iOS Exploiting Workshop | Filza RELEASED for iOS 11
In today's video, we're talking about Pangu Jailbreak Team that will hold a workshop on exploiting iOS and escaping the Sandbox at beVX, and about the official release of Filza on iOS 11 by Tigi Software. Pangu seems to be interested again in the iOS as can be inferred from their presence at Zer0Con where…
iOS 10.3.3/10 Jailbreak (64-Bit) DoubleH3lix NEW Version | What is new
In today's video, we're taking a look at the latest version of DoubleH3lix Jailbreak that was published by tihmstar just a couple hours ago. For those of you who are unaware, DoubleH3lix is a jailbreak for the iOS 10.3.3 all the way down to iOS 10.0 for all 64-Bit devices except iPhone 7 and 7…