In this clip, I will show you how to save your iOS 14.3 RC blobs for Jailbreak purposes. As you probably know, Odyssey Jailbreak developer, Coolstar, said you should stay on iOS 14.3 or lower if you wanna jailbreak sooner, because these versions are vulnerable can jailbreakable. While iOS 14.3 is no longer signed and…
Tag Archives: How to save shsh2 blobs
iOS 14.3 UNTETHERED Downgrade & Future Jailbreak: How To Save SHSH2 BLOBS WITHOUT PC (Pre-A12)
In today’s video, we’re discussing about how to save SHSH2 blobs for iOS 14.3 without being jailbroken and without a computer, on pre-A12 devices. These blobs are necessary when you wanna perform a downgrade in the future, especially if you wanna be able to downgrade Untethered! An Untethered downgrade means that you won’t need to…
iOS 14.2 / 14 DOWNGRADE / Future JAILBREAK: How To Save SHSH2 Blobs With TSS Saver v2 & Check Them!
In today’s video, I will show you how to save the SHSH2 blobs for iOS 14.2 and iOS 14 in general, using the brand new TSS Saver V2, a new and improved version of the former tried and true TSS Saver tool. These blobs are NECESSARY if you wanna #downgrade in the future for Jailbreak…
iOS 12.1.1 / iOS 12.1 How To Save SHSH2 Blobs For Downgrades / Jailbreak
In today's video, I will show you how to save #iOS 12.1.1 and iOS 12.1 #SHSH 2 blobs for future iOS #downgrades and for #Jailbreak purposes. Saving the blobs is a simple task that doesn't require you to update to iOS 12.1.1 or to iOS 12.1 at all. All you need is your ECID from…
How to Save iOS 11.3 B6 SHSH2 BLOBS FOR FUTURE DOWNGRADES [Tutorial]
For some bizarre reason, Apple still signs an old iOS 11.3 Beta, the 6th, and last iOS 11.3 Beta. Of course, iOS 11.3 has left the beta stage months ago and it is no longer signed even as a released and it has been long replaced by iOS 11.3.1 and then by iOS 11.4. At…
How to save APTicket (SHSH Blobs) From Device For Future Downgrade (No Jailbreak Required)
What is even an APTicket? Well, the APTicket is what people usually call an SHSH Blob. SHSH are no longer in use but people kept calling APTickets this way because the term was much better known. Starting from iOS 5, Apple replaced the old SHSH blobs with the APTickets. 64-Bit devices always used them. In…
iOS 10.3.1 Jailbreak Current Status & WWDC 17, iOS 11, Save SHSH2
In today's video we're going to discuss about the iOS 10.3.1 Jailbreak, but we're going to analyze the situation by also including variables like WWDC 17 and iOS 11. The reason such variables should be included is that WWDC (World-Wide Developer Conference) held by Apple each year is going to take place next month, June…
iOS 10.3.1 – How To Properly Save Your SHSH2 Blobs for Downgrades
In today's video I will reiterate the best methods to save your SHSH2 blobs for your device. The SHSH2 blobs are required if you ever need to downgrade, and usually the tool for that (as Apple doesn't allow iOS downgrades)will always require you to have them saved if you ever try to go back to…
iOS 10.2.1 Save SHSH2 For Downgrade With BoardConfig
In today's video I will show you how to save the SHSH2 blobs for future downgrades on the devices that require BoardConfig (like iPhone 6S, 6S Plus, SE). These devices require a special command / method in order to save the blobs. It you use the normal method used for iPhone 5S and 6 /6Plus,…
iOS 10.1.1 – How To Save SHSH2 Blobs For Future iOS Downgrades (WINDOWS)
Yesterday I made a similar tutorial but on a MAC (OS X) and some of you told me if I can make this tutorial on Windows as well. Unfortunately, on Windows, TicketBox wasn't ported and TSSChecker isn't working correctly, BUT WE FOUND THE SOLUTION. So In this video I will show you how to save…