In this video we're going to take a look at this so called "KeenLab+Pangu8" Jailbreak posted on YouTube by a quite popular channel going by the name Cydia Magic.
We're going to see whether it has anything to do with any actual #Jailbreak or it is fake. I've been sent the link to that channel and particularly to that "Jailbreak" video by some of you on Twitter and in the comments section of the previous video in which I've discussed about another "Jailbreak" channel called YoYuppe.
As a lot of you requested, I've decided to take a look on this Cydia Magic thing especially since they use both "Pangu" and "KeenLab" in the name of the videos (probably to look real).
Although in reality this has NOTHING to do with the real Pangu or KeenLab, I've noticed the fact that in the videos, an application very similar to the one Tencent KeenLab made is used for the alleged Jailbreak. KeenLab is a real InfoSec company and they've demoed a Jailbreak for iOS 10.3.3 and iOS 11 a month ago at MOSEC conference (held by Pangu and PoC). The application they've created for the jailbreak remained private, so as for now, their jailbreak is NOT officially available, which means that there is no way Cydia Magic could have taken the app.
What has also made me consider this as being fake was the fact that on a different channel called zJailbreak which belongs to the same dude, he shows up the same app claiming it is the original KeenLab app, but the app has a strange alignment on the labels, uses a completely different font on the crediting part and it has a white strip on the status bar which hints the fact it is a fake app. In fact, it is not even an app, since the white status bar hints to the fact that the application is actually a WebClip (a website pinned to the home screen).
They have a lot of views (2.5 million overall for these fake jailbreaks) and nearly 10.000 subscribers on that channel which makes me realize a lot of people might haven fallen for their tricks.
Don't fall! There is no Pangu8 jailbreak, Pangu's website has no 8 in the address and KeenLab did not release anything as for now! Do not download these things since they can have bad consequences on your devices.
Official Pangu Website
Official Pangu Twitter
Official KeenLab
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