In this video we're taking a look at YoYuppe Channel's so called Jailbreaks due to popular demand on my comments section. The channel has been posting "Jailbreak" related videos everyday and has a massive audience, so is it legit?
Well, unfortunately, numbers don't really add up. See, we're talking about a quite popular channel lately with over 64.000 views on its most popular video about iOS 10.3 Jailbreak and over 4,200 subscribers, but that doesn't change the fact that all jailbreaks presented in there are nothing but blatant lies. See, in most of the videos he is uploading daily, he presents an IPA file called Yalu103. He taps the IPA file inside a File Manager and the device "magically" restarts and then he is jailbroken. You would be very surprised how many people have fallen for that thing.
Let me explain you WHY this kind of Jailbreak is not possible:
An IPA file is not an application, you can't simply open it and unless you're jailbroken, you can't even install it from the device side.
The IPA itself is just a ZIP container which contains the actual binary and the additional files of an application. During the installation of an IPA, the .app folder inside the Payload is being copied over to the app folder and then it appears on the screen. The structure of an IPA is simple: inside it, there is a Payload folder. The Payload folder contains another folder called (name can be anything), inside the .app folder, there is the actual content of that application like binaries, Plists, assets and so on.
There is NO way you can simply tap an IPA file and produce a reboot since the IPA is not an executable application, it does not run any code. Once the IPA has been extracted and the app appears on the screen, you can open it and the story changes. You can have an application that crashes the device (and possibly even jailbreaks), but that still needs normal installation. Tapping on its IPA won't do anything.
The second thing wrong about this "Jailbreak" is that he takes the name of Yalu103 to make people believe it is an update to popular Yalu102 jailbreak (which only works up to 10.2). Also, if the device gets rebooted and then jailbroken, this means we're talking about an untethered jailbreak which did not happen in over 1 year and a half.
So, in conclusion: avoid getting your pc infected and stay safe. there is no iOS 10.3 or iOS 10.3.3 Jailbreak, let alone one called Yalu103.
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