In today's video, we have great news about the #Unc0ver #Jailbreak for iOS 12.0 all the way up to #iOS 12.1.2. Just a few hours ago developer Pwn20wnd has posted on his Twitter account that he has successfully got tweaks to work with Unc0ver and Cydia works too. The Jailbreak is still not released with tweaks support as more testing and more work is needed, but this is the first time Unc0ver for iOS 12 runs tweaks which is huge progress for the jailbreak community. The way Unc0ver achieves this, considering CoreTrust wouldn't allow fake-signed binaries to run is through a crafty but less scalable workaround Pwn20wnd implemented with help from saurik, the creator of Cydia. The workaround is to perform the signing of the binaries on the device. This is pretty much giving CoreTrust what it wants, but it's fine as long as it silences it, therefore, the CoreTrust hurdle should finally be checked as done.
In other news, Pwn20wnd is also updating the Uncv0ver Jailbreak to support older devices (the 4K ones) with tihmstar's v3ntex kernel exploit. The exploit's success rate is a bit lower than expected but many improvements have been added to it by individuals like semaphore and Jake James, so things start to look great. The v3ntex exploit is also used in my tool, GeoFilza, for A7 to A8x devices. The rest of the devices use the more stable voucher_swap by Brandon Azad.
▽ Resources ▽
▶ iOS 12.1.2 / 12.0 Unc0ver JAILBREAK: CYDIA WORKING ON iOS 12 & Other News
▶ iOS 12.1.2 / iOS 12 BIG JAILBREAK UPDATE: Unc0ver With More iOS 12 Support & More News
▶ HOW TO JAILBREAK iOS 12.1.2 / 12.0 (NO PC) WITH RootlessJB & Install Filza