In today's video, I will show you how to #downgrade or upgrade to iOS 12.0 all the way up to iOS 12.1.2 from any jailbroken or exploitable version if you saved the #SHSH2 blobs (even if the version is no longer signed by Apple). This is basically an in-depth tutorial on how to use #FutureRestore with previously saved SHSH2 blobs and a NonceSetter. Using this tutorial you can restore to an unsigned iOS version as long as you have the saved SHSH2 blob, you are on an exploitable / jailbroken version, and the SEP and Baseband are compatible.
This video contains every single little detail that I thought would be necessary for the success of the downgrade / restore operation, however, this is not a simple task. It involves using a terminal, using various iOS firmware components, setting a nonce generator in the device NVRAM and restoring an iDevice. There are so many things that can go wrong and force you to upgrade to the latest version, so please be careful and do NOT skip through the video. Do not assume you already know a part of the video, you may skip important warnings (of which there are many).
Remember that before doing this procedure you should backup your data. All the data that is not backed up on a computer or in iCloud will be removed and it becomes impossible to recover. Backup your device first. I am not responsible for any damage you do to your device or for any data loss caused by using this method/tutorial. You do this at your own risk.
WARNING: Please do keep in mind that you cannot downgrade from iOS 12.2 or iOS 12.1.4 / 12.1.3 to 12.1.2. You must be on a jailbroken or exploitable version to be able to follow the tutorial.
▽ Resources ▽
▶ SEP / BB Compatibility tables
▶ How to Install Unc0ver and Chimera JAILBREAK WITHOUT COMPUTER (NO PC) iOS 12.0 – 12.1.2
▶ AWESOME iOS 12 CYDIA TWEAKS: BEST FREE Tweaks to Install On iOS 12.0 – 12.1.2