In today's video, I will show you how to #downgrade or upgrade to iOS 12.0 all the way up to iOS 12.1.2 from any jailbroken or exploitable version if you saved the #SHSH2 blobs (even if the version is no longer signed by Apple). This is basically an in-depth tutorial on how to use #FutureRestore…
Tag Archives: nonceSetter
iOS 11.3.1/11/10.x Downgrade News And All You Need To Know EXPLAINED
Today's video focuses on #iOS #Downgrades to unsigned iOS versions using saved SHSH2 blobs. Just a few days ago, Pwn20wnd, a former Electra Team member announced on Twitter that he successfully downgraded to iOS 11.3.1 using iOS 11.4.1 SEP on his iPad Air 2. This means that the SEP and the baseband of iOS 11.4.1…