In today's video, we're discussing the upcoming iOS 11 Kernel Exploitation training sessions that Stefan Esser, a known developer in the community, is organizing at the end of May 2018. The training is apparently going to be focused on the XNU Kernel, mitigations, exploit techniques, Jailbreak patches, and patches used in the most recent jailbreaks that were released, analyzing the kernel source code and auditing bugs.
This is very interesting, especially since it targets iOS 11.x. Stefan Esser's training is known to be very good. He is also known for being let's say unhappy with trainees sharing the training materials, so yeah, a thing we should keep in mind. I would not expect any jailbreak proof of concept after the training. The attendants will, however, learn a lot of things about the iOS 11 Kernel. They'll be able to do some exploitation on a live iOS device (which is good) and that really helps to form new generations of developers.
iOS Jailbreaking can't simply be learned from a single source. One can't simply read a book and become a jailbreaker, unfortunately. It takes a lot of study and experience to be able to build an iOS Jailbreak and training like Stefan Esser's are providing just that – the experience from somebody who is familiar, to say the least with the topics. Stefan had released jailbreaks in the past and many of the exploit techniques presented by him in his talks or training are still used to this date in different jailbreaks.
▽ Resources ▽
▶ Learn how to make iOS Apps!
▶ The training details
▶ Saurik News, New Vulnerability Write-ups Published
▶ Possible Houdini Update for iOS 11.2.x
▶ The video about the x18 leak vulnerability
▶ The previous vulnerability
▶ How to downgrade 32-Bit devices to iOS 8.4.1