iOS 11.1.2/11.0 How to Get ELECTRA JAILBREAK Without Computer

In today's video, I am gonna be showing you how to install the Electra Jailbreak application without using Cydia Impactor or a computer whatsoever. This method although it has its own caveats, it is useful for when you really need to reinstall Electra but you are nowhere near a computer. We're going to install it via AppValley. 

AppValley provides tweaked ++ apps for iOS and amongst other apps, they also have a "jailbreak section" containing Yalu, G0blin, Saigon, Pangu and even the latest version of Electra. Electra 1.0.4 is currently the latest version available from Coolstar.

Although normally I wouldn't recommend installing a jailbreak from a third party source, the AppValley one would do in an emergency. There are caveats tho. You give away the signing every 7 days, which is nice, but for that to happen AppValley has to sign the app with their own paid Apple Developer Certificate which is a bit on the expensive side. They try to keep it going by utilizing ads in the apps.

Tho I still recommend using the jailbreak IPA from the official developer's website, if you are nowhere near a computer and you must reinstall Electra, AppValley would do nicely.

▽ Resources ▽
Learn how to make iOS Apps!
Jonathan's training details
Saurik News, New Vulnerability Write-ups Published
The video about the x18 leak vulnerability


About GeoSn0w

C#, C, Objective-C Programmer | Beginner iOS Security Researcher | Content Creator | Web Developer I like to bring the latest news from the iOS / iDevice / Jailbreak battlefield to you in a beautiful manner :) I hope you like the site. If you do, don't forget to check out my channel :)