Taking a look at the comments section of my previous video about iPhone 7 Jailbreak, a lot of people seem to NOT be aware of the fact that there IS a Jailbreak for this device and it is actually working properly. Well, by properly, I wanted to mean, unstable as hell, but still usable. Now when it comes to Jailbreak and iPhone 7, I must give this to Todesco, he did a good job. iPhone 7 is pretty new, has advanced top-notch security mechanisms (some of which hardware-enforced) and still he managed to Jailbreak by adapting his exploits to the Mach_Portal by Ian Beer from Google Project 0.
YES! The Jailbreak exists and can be used safely as long as you don't flood your device with untested tweaks. Yes, here I talk about Appsync and many others. I know Appsync was updated to work on iOS 10.x Jailbreak, but there are still problems and you better don't try tweaks that might have the potential to send the device to its BootLoop.
In this video I wanted to make things clear about the fact that yes! there is is Jailbreak already for iOS 10.1.1 iPhone 7, and I wanted to make the caveats of it and the limitations clear for anyone, to mitigate the confusion.
Official Yalu Site: https://yalu.qwertyoruiop.com
Official Project: https://github.com/kpwn/yalu102/
Untethered iOS 9.3.5 Jailbreak: https://youtu.be/3lGMppIcOyU