iOS 10.3 Downgrade With Prometheus For 32-Bit | Save Your Blobs!

In today's video we have some important things to discuss about iOS downgrades! @tihmstar has pushed a new version of Prometheus that adds support for downgrading 32-Bit devices, so SAVE your blobs. The new version of futurerestore (otherwise known as Prometheus), according to @tihmstar should be able to fix the Segmentation Fault errors people were getting. 

According to Luca Todesco, the guy behind Yalu Jailbreak for iOS 10.2, you should all be saving your iOS 10.2.1 blobs and stay on iOS 10.2.1 if you want to be able to Jailbreak in the future! @tihmstar highly recommends 32-Bit device owners to save their blobs no matter what device they use or what firmware, but especially iOS 9.3.5. It is the first time we see 32-Bit support on Prometheus, and this only hints good things going on for 32-Bit.

When it comes to 64-Bit, iOS 10.2.1 is still signed as for now (when I am uploading this video), but it will not stay so for too long! iOS 10.3 is already up for days, and so is iOS 10.3.2 Beta 1 that dropped iPhone 5 and 5C so save your blobs NOW or you will never be able to ever do it.

In the video I also cover the blob saving procedure with @tihmstar's TSSChecker tool.

Futurerestore Latest:
Downgrade Tutorials Playlist:

iOS 10.3.2 Beta – iPhone 5/5C Dropped | iOS 9.3.5 Jailbreak:
iOS 9.3.5 Jailbreak DIY Fried Apple Team:


About GeoSn0w

C#, C, Objective-C Programmer | Beginner iOS Security Researcher | Content Creator | Web Developer I like to bring the latest news from the iOS / iDevice / Jailbreak battlefield to you in a beautiful manner :) I hope you like the site. If you do, don't forget to check out my channel :)

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