What's up guys!? So In today's video I will present you the iPhone 6 Setup.App Patch for CFW iCloud Bypass for iOS 10.3 Beta 3 and I will also address an issue you've been pointing out lately, the errors that appear in TransMAC about the HFS volumes on iOS 10.3. Apparently, Apple has changed the File System Format on iOS 10.3 and TransMAC is no longer able to understand the new format without an update from the creators. If you are on Windows, you might have a chance with PowerISO tool, but I can't say for sure. OS X people don't need additional tools in order to open the DMGs.
If you are planning to follow my CFW iCloud Bypass Tutorial that I linked down bellow, please also make sure you read the F.A.Q. page, and the Setup.App Documentation to understand better how these works, and to understand what are the limits of this project.
In the video I am also talking about how you can build your own patches.
Setup.App Patch: https://fce365.info/patches/
CFW Creation Tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=maBWXMhY92g
==Important Resources==
Setup.App Documentation: https://fce365.info/understanding-the-setup-app/
F.A.Q. Page (Seriously, read it!): https://fce365.info/f-a-q-cfw-bypass/