iOS 10 – iPhone 5 / 5C Patch For CFW | iOS 10 Is Still Decrypted

Today I created the Setup.App Patch for iOS 10 (Public release) for iPhone 5C and 5 (x32 bit). Today we're doing some tests on iPhone 5, and if the method still works, tomorrow I will post a tutorial on CFW creation if you need it. The procedure is pretty much the same tho.

In this video, we also discussed a bit about the iOS 9.3.4, yes it is no longer signed, and that means that you should NO longer follow my iOS 9.3.4 tutorials because iOS 9.3.4 is no longer up to date. Instead, you should focus on iOS 10. iOS 9.3.5 is signed but nobody has fetched any keys for it and I can see why. With iOS 10 released, iOS 9.3.5's days are counted. Nobody is interested in it anymore, although, I'll do my best to support iPhone 4S (which is stuck at 9.3.5) for as long as possible. So, no, I didn't forget about 4S users. We just wait for keys.

Also, in today's video you will find out information about the current encryption status of the iOS 10 KernelCache and ROOT File System. Apparently, Apple did NOT encrypt the Betas, nor the general public release, which means that for iOS 10, there are no keys needed for you to be able to browse the File System. Although no keys are required as on previous versions like 9.x, the ROOT FS is still read only, and in order to make it Read write, you can use this little workaround:

In the terminal, write this command followed by Enter key:
hdiutil convert filename.dmg -format UDRW -o newfile.dmg

The command from above will make the DMG read write.

The iPhone 7 iPSW for iOS 10 was also released and is available on The iPhone Wiki.

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==Download Section==
The patch for x32:

==Important Info==
iOS 10:
Our iOS 10 In-depth Review:
Full Kernel Dissection Tutorial:


About GeoSn0w

C#, C, Objective-C Programmer | Beginner iOS Security Researcher | Content Creator | Web Developer I like to bring the latest news from the iOS / iDevice / Jailbreak battlefield to you in a beautiful manner :) I hope you like the site. If you do, don't forget to check out my channel :)