iOS 10 Jailbroken – How to Build Cydia Tweaks  | Part 1: Setting Up Theos

In today's video I am gonna be showing you how to set up your development iDevice in order to start building Cydia Tweaks for iOS 10.x Jailbreak. The procedure requires us to properly install and configure Theos before we can create the tweaks, so in this video I will guide you step by step on anything that is required to be installed and the proper order to do it. 

The procedure is indeed a bit complicated, but if you follow the video carefully you will get it going in no time. Installing theos itself is not hard, configuring it properly, is a bit more complicated, but again, the video shows everything step by step.

Keep in mind that although at some point I have used my Mac with a SSH connection to the device to configure some of the things, you can actually run all the commands in the MTerminal on the device itself, no PC or MAC is actually required. The reason I've used one is because some of the commands were long and the mac terminal makes it easy to paste them.

A very good written tutorial on configuring Theos can be found on iPhoneDevWiki, including all the commands that we've used. As for now, that tutorial is up to date, so you should be fine following that too. Also, keep in mind that this tutorial can be followed on both a 64-Bit or a 32-Bit iDevice. I have clearly specified in the video which parts only apply to aarch64.

Get ready to build amazing Cydia Tweaks!

Commands and Written tutorial
Coolstar's Repo:
Theos Repo:
iOS 10.3.3 B2, WWDC17, iOS 11 | How is The Jailbreak Influenced
Myriam iOS Security App Released


About GeoSn0w

C#, C, Objective-C Programmer | Beginner iOS Security Researcher | Content Creator | Web Developer I like to bring the latest news from the iOS / iDevice / Jailbreak battlefield to you in a beautiful manner :) I hope you like the site. If you do, don't forget to check out my channel :)

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