In today’s video, I am showcasing another must have application for those of you who are jailbroken on iOS 10 up to iOS 14.4.1. It’s an application that I certainly hope will help you keep your devices more secure, since it’s a Security Application design to tell you if you have bad repos, bad tweaks, or rather unsafe settings on your device. It can also easily change the ROOT password from the default to a more secure one.
The app is called iSecureOS and it was created by me, GeoSn0w (@FCE365) from scratch. The release will be tomorrow and will be completely free and open source for anybody to have access to, because I believe we have the right to be secure on our devices. Be sure to provide feedback and feature requests, as they are taken very seriously.
As always, do not forget to SUBSCRIBE to stay updated with the latest #iOS and #Jailbreak news, updates, and tutorials!
~ GeoSn0w