iOS 12 / iOS 11.4.1 / 11.4 JAILBREAK UPDATE: Don’t Get The Xs / Xr | Important News

In today's video, we're discussing the latest news regarding the new #iPhone models (iPhone Xs, iPhone Xs MAX and iPhone Xr) as well as #iOS 12 which was released by Apple as the final (GM) version for the registered developers. Both the Xs and the Xr series and the iOS 12 set some unseen before issues for us Jailbreakers. While the devices getting more secure is naturally a good thing, for jailbreaking is not. The harder it gets to exploit the iOS Kernel the harder the jailbreaks will become.

The new iPhone models sport the new ARMv8.3 instruction set which has support for PAC or Pointer Authentication Codes. Jonathan Levin has explained very well the matter on his forum (linked below), but in short, it is a security measure that puts an end to ROP (Return Oriented Programming) and JOP (Jump Oriented Programming). Both of these are quite common and ROP is one of the most used techniques for exploiting various parts of the system. There are other methods too but it won't be long before Apple will get to them too.

iOS 12 on other devices is not very fortunate either. While Apple cannot change the ARM instruction set of the already-made CPUs in your devices, so no PAC for iPhone X and older, they added nasty changes to CoreTrust which now refuses to load fake-signed binaries which are de facto on all jailbreaks. There are ways around that but need improvement before we can have them used in a #Jailbreak.

▽ Resources ▽
Jonathan Levin's Article
More on the Safari Jailbreak
More on Icy Installer 3.x
NEW iOS 12 JAILBREAK IMPORTANT NEWS | New Kernel Exploits Coming!


About GeoSn0w

C#, C, Objective-C Programmer | Beginner iOS Security Researcher | Content Creator | Web Developer I like to bring the latest news from the iOS / iDevice / Jailbreak battlefield to you in a beautiful manner :) I hope you like the site. If you do, don't forget to check out my channel :)