In today's video, I have some great news for those of you concerned about the iOS 12 Jailbreak. Keenlab has achieved an iOS 12 Beta 1 Jailbreak with a functional version of Cydia on iPhone X. The demonstration video has been posted by Liang Chen of Keenlab on his YouTube channel. While I know some of you are thinking he will never release, a release wouldn't even make sense on iOS 12 Beta 1.

Since iOS 12 is in the first beta, and the demo clearly shows so, it would make no sense to release a jailbreak that forces the user to update and stay on a Beta 1 version of iOS. Betas, especially Beta 1 builds of iOS tend to be very buggy and once released, you can rest assured that Apple would patch it by Beta 2, literally forcing anybody who uses the jailbreak to stay on Beta 1. A release would only make sense for the final version of iOS 12, granted that the bugs survive up until then.

This, however, has a great implication. Cydia was started successfully on iOS 12, which is already great. The currently private exploits keenlab have are enough to Jailbreak iOS 12, and they managed to successfully remount the ROOT FS APFS partition which is already good news. Remember, Coolstar is still trying to remount it on iOS 11.3.x. This gives some hopes for iOS 12 not being the end of Jailbreaking.

▽ Resources ▽
Learn how to make iOS Apps!
Liang Chen's demo
Houdini for iOS 11.x
Osiris Jailbreak (DEVELOPERS ONLY)
iOS 11.3.1 – How to Save SHSH2 Blobs With NONCE (A10/ A11)  For Downgrades


About GeoSn0w

C#, C, Objective-C Programmer | Beginner iOS Security Researcher | Content Creator | Web Developer I like to bring the latest news from the iOS / iDevice / Jailbreak battlefield to you in a beautiful manner :) I hope you like the site. If you do, don't forget to check out my channel :)