How To Downgrade / Upgrade to iOS 11.3.1 For Electra Jailbreak (No Data Loss Tutorial)

In today's video, I am gonna be showing you how to downgrade or upgrade (depending on what iOS version you're running) to iOS 11.3.1 in order to Jailbreak with the Electra Jailbreak once is out. Coolstar, the developer behind the Electra Jailbreak has recommended to everybody to update or downgrade to iOS 11.3.1 as it is the most likely version to receive the jailbreak first. He has already started porting the Electra and once Ian Beer drops his tfp0 exploit, Electra can finally be updated to work with all 64-Bit devices on iOS 11.3.1 and possibly older.

Since iOS 11.4 has already been released, you can no longer update to iOS 11.3.1 directly from the phone. It would take you to iOS 11.4 instead. The same thing holds true with iTunes. You will have to download and use the iOS 11.3.1 firmware IPSW file. iTunes can restore that for as long as iOS 11.3.1 is signed by Apple (which will not be for too long, so I'd recommend you to do it now). Once iOS 11.3.1 is no longer signed, the method presented in this video will no longer work.

In order to restore an IPSW, on macOS, you have to connect the phone, press and hold the ALT (Option) key, and click "Restore" in iTunes. That would let you chose a file. On Windows, it is the same procedure but instead of ALT, you press and hold the SHIFT key.

▽ Resources ▽
Learn how to make iOS Apps!
iOS Older iBOOT EXPLOIT UPDATE: It Allows Downgrades | It is Untethered (iOS 7 & lower)


About GeoSn0w

C#, C, Objective-C Programmer | Beginner iOS Security Researcher | Content Creator | Web Developer I like to bring the latest news from the iOS / iDevice / Jailbreak battlefield to you in a beautiful manner :) I hope you like the site. If you do, don't forget to check out my channel :)