iOS 12.2 / 12.1.4 / 12.1.3 JAILBREAK: New tfp0 Kernel Exploit RELEASED!

In today’s video, I have massive news for those of you running #iOS 12.2, iOS 12.1.4 or iOS 12.1.3. Ned Williamson of Google Project Zero has released his tfp0 kernel exploit called “SockPuppet” compatible with the aforementioned iOS versions. This is what we needed in order to be able to create a jailbreak for these versions and work has already begun. Unc0ver team has announced that they’re currently updating their tools, Electra Team is also updating their tools and I am updating GeoFilza and my Osiris Jailbreak for iOS 12.2, iOS 12.1.4 and iOS 12.1.3 as well. We expect to have a full jailbreak with Cydia for pre-A12 devices in a matter of hours.

For A12 devices, the situation is a bit more complicated. For the moment it’s recommended to stay on the lowest version possible, but the A12 jailbreak will take more time to be updated. As for the iOS 12.3, iOS 12.3.1 and iOS 12.4, the exploit was patched back on iOS 12.3 in May of 2019, so it does not work with these versions. Another exploit will be needed for a #jailbreak on those versions. I would stay on iOS 12.3 for now, rather than iOS 13, iOS 12.4 Beta or iOS 12.3.1.

As always, subscribe to stay updated. Will keep you updated once #Unc0ver, #Osiris or #Electra get updated for iOS 12.2 and lower.

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Our Jailbreak Forum
iOS 12.3.1 / 12.2 / iOS 13 / iOS 12.4 Huge JAILBREAK News: SSH And Cydia Achieved!
iOS 12.2 / 12.1.4 / 12.1.3 Great JAILBREAK News: New tfp0 Exploit Developed!
iOS 12.3.1 / 12.2 / 12.1.3 JAILBREAK Update: tfp0 Explained & Best Version To Be On
iOS 12.3.1 / 12.2 / 12.1.4 JAILBREAK News: New tfp0 Kernel Exploit Was Achieved!


About GeoSn0w

C#, C, Objective-C Programmer | Beginner iOS Security Researcher | Content Creator | Web Developer I like to bring the latest news from the iOS / iDevice / Jailbreak battlefield to you in a beautiful manner :) I hope you like the site. If you do, don't forget to check out my channel :)