In this video, I will be showing you how to use dr.Fone – Repair Tool by Wondershare to fix issues caused by updating to iOS 13 Beta, and how to downgrade back from #iOS 13 Beta to a stable iOS build, such as iOS 12.3.1, iOS 12.3 or even iOS 12.4 which are all currently signed (at the time of making this video). While iOS 13 is a very interesting iOS build with tons of new features, a more polished User Interface, dark mode, and other cool features, it’s still a Beta firmware which is prone to be buggy. Normally, it’s not advised to update to a Beta firmware unless you are an Apple Developer looking to update their application portfolio for the said beta, because more often than not, these betas tend to have bugs a stable iOS build would not have.
If you, however, already updated to iOS 13 Beta and you’re looking to go back, it may be tricky and it may take some prior research. iOS 13 is not supported by default by iTunes. The macOS users already got an update for iTunes which adds device support for iOS 13 allowing restores to go through, but, unfortunately, iTunes is not error-free and it can become pretty hard to use at times. In this video, we’re using a simple and easy to use a tool called dr.Fone – Repair (iOS System Recovery).
As always, do not forget to stay updated for more iOS and Jailbreak tutorials, updates and news!
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