Today's video is pretty much a follow-up to yesterday's video in which we talked about Coolstar having finished working on Cydia for Electra Jailbreak on iOS 11.0 all the way up to iOS 11.1.2. Today Electra Beta 11 has been released, and it, unfortunately, does not contain Cydia yet, but rather some improvements. Coolstar has clarified on twitter the reason behind the delay. Cydia and its components still require some testing before being released to the general public.
This is definitely understandable considering the fact that Coolstar had to adapt Cydia to work with Substitute (a Cydia Substrate alternative), which pretty much changed the way Cydia works internally. This is no easy task, especially since saurik keeps Substrate closed source.
I am fully aware of the fact that many people are impatient and want to just get Cydia already, but I am pretty sure you want a working Cydia and not a buggy piece of junk, so it is a good idea to be patient – Coolstar is doing his best to ensure compatibility and to check for possible malfunctions and conflicts with other jailbreaks (like to.panga with which Electra is conflicting).
It is highly recommended to update to Electra Beta 11 while waiting for the Cydia build to be released. If you're using to.panga, the Electra version that will contain Cydia will fail to install, so make sure you uninstall to.panga first. A tutorial for that will soon be available on the channel.
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▽ Resources ▽
▶ Learn how to make iOS Apps!
▶ Previews video about Electra and Cydia
▶ Electra Jailbreak
▶ New iOS 11.2/iOS 11.2.1/11.2.2 Kernel BUG To Be Released Soon
▶ iOS 11.1.2/10.3.x JAILBREAK UPDATE: Downgrades to iOS 9, iOS 10, G0blin and iOS 6.1.3 Signed (4S)
▶ NEW iOS 11.1.2/11.0 JAILBREAK (LiberiOS) RELEASED! | What you need to know!