In today's video, we have some great news for the Electra Jailbreak users. APT has finally been updated and Cydia is ready to make its debut on iOS 11.0/11.1.2 as a stable software. Finally, after so many months, we're about to experience Cydia and all its glory on our iOS 11 Jailbroken devices.
Coolstar has announced on his twitter account, just a few minutes ago that everything is done and he is currently packaging stuff up and testing the binaries and Cydia. We're pretty much very very close to the actual release that will enable us to experience the iOS 11 jailbreak the way it is meant to be experienced – with Cydia, an app that has been with us since the very beginning of the jailbreaking.
This would not be possible without the backbreaking work by Coolstar, JayWalker and any other developers that might have contributed to this. Although the next build will contain Cydia, I recommend waiting a few hours, maybe a day before installing it, this way you will know if there are any severe bugs and will avoid them.
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▽ Resources ▽
▶ Learn how to make iOS Apps!
▶ Electra Jailbreak
▶ Coolstar on Twitter
▶ New iOS 11.2/iOS 11.2.1/11.2.2 Kernel BUG To Be Released Soon
▶ iOS 11.1.2/10.3.x JAILBREAK UPDATE: Downgrades to iOS 9, iOS 10, G0blin and iOS 6.1.3 Signed (4S)
▶ NEW iOS 11.1.2/11.0 JAILBREAK (LiberiOS) RELEASED! | What you need to know!