You probably remember, in my previous videos we've discussed about a Jailbreak for iOS 9.3.5 32-Bit devices that Brando said on GitHub he will release on March 9. Well, he did not deliver on that word, but he did released something today, which appear to be an IPA of Beta 4, currently only working on iPad 2 according to his Github page.
In today's video we're going to analyze the IPA and see if we're talking about a real or about a fake Jailbreak. You probably remember, I've made a video in which I was quite skeptical about Brando and about his Jailbreak due to his severe lack of iOS knowledge. Today is the day we verify what he has to offer.
Spoiler alert: we're talking about a fake Jailbreak unfortunately. He uses parts of Yalu Jailbreak that he didn't even compile, he has just stuffed the files from Yalu's Source code into his UI-only IPA. I have analyzed the IPA's binary and apparently, the button for "Jailbreaking" only shows a pop up. The files he took from Yalu have nothing to do with his IPA as they are not linked, let alone with iOS 9.3.5. What's bad is that some people fell for his "jailbreak" and donated to him! Fortunately, FriedAppleTeam will really be releasing a real iOS 9.3.5 Jailbreak by this end of the month at BlackHat. Can't wait for that.
Analyzing his Jailbreak Project:
The REAL Untethered iOS 9.3.5 Jailbreak:
Check Out Phonlab:
iOS 10.3 Jailbreak Achieved?:
iOS 9.3.5 Downgrade Achieved: