iOS 10.3 B7 – CFW iCloud Bypass Setup.App Patch (Universal)

In today's video I decided to build the Setup.App Patch for iOS 10.3 Beta 7 for x64 iPhones. This is a (kind of) universal patch. Was tested on iPhone 5S and 6, but 6 Plus and 6S might also have a chance. I have bought a DCSD cable (serial to lightning for debugging) and I will carry out some tests via Serial. The Betas for iOS 10.3 are heading towards the end, so iOS 10.3 will soon be released. As you probably know, iOS 10.3 introduces a new file system format, APFS which replaces the old HFS+ format. While the new format is still in Beta, applications like TransMAC are still not updated on Windows. Of course, after APFS will be finally released outside its Beta, developers will have access to the APIs and the apps will be updated properly.

The patch should only be used after you READ and UNDERSTAND the limitations and the details about this method on the F.A.Q. Page (Frequent Asked Questions) page linked down bellow. Please also keep in mind that as iOS 10.2.1 is still signed, I highly recommend using it instead of iOS 10.3 Beta due to the APFS not existing on iOS 10.2.1 making CFW creation easier / possible on Windows as well. Although the patch is compatible with x64 devices, iPhone 7 and SE are not supported. Please keep in mind you should read the F.A.Q. page before following the CFW Creation Tutorial.

Universal x64 iOS 10.3 Patch:
Updated CFW Creation Tutorial:
F.A.Q. Page (Read IT):
Setup.App Documentation:
How to Create Setup.App Patches:


About GeoSn0w

C#, C, Objective-C Programmer | Beginner iOS Security Researcher | Content Creator | Web Developer I like to bring the latest news from the iOS / iDevice / Jailbreak battlefield to you in a beautiful manner :) I hope you like the site. If you do, don't forget to check out my channel :)

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