The iOS 10.3.2 was finally released by Apple to the general Public after 5 Betas and 2 weeks of delay. The update, also compatible with the the 32-Bit device (surprisingly) comes with security updates and bug fixes for the previous iOS 10.3 and iOS 10.3.1 releases targeted by Pangu into the Jailbreak they've demoed at Janus a couple weeks ago. The vulnerabilities patched in iOS 10.3.2 are pretty interesting and some of them quite powerful! With the release of the iOS 10.3.2, iOS 10.3.1's days are now counted and I expect it will stay signed for 1 or 2 weeks more, following Apple's usual pre-iOS 10.1.x pattern but Apple can literally close the signing window for iOS 10.3.1 at any point.
Why is important NOT to update?
Well, if you're like me waiting for the Pangu Jailbreak to be released or at least somehow announced, then your best bet would be staying on iOS 10.3.1, but if you're already Jailbroken on iOS 10.1.1 or iOS 10.2, you should definitely not update. It is a hard decision for the rest of the users: Switch to iOS 10.3.1 and wait for a Jailbreak that can easily never be released, or stay on iOS 10.2.1 and wait for Luca – not an easy decision, and while I do usually recommend staying on the lowest firmware version, the odds are a bit against iOS 10.2.1. All in all, I don't wanna influence whether you update to 10.3.1 or not, so it remains solely your decision. There is still time.
Have you saved your blobs?
As iOS 10.3.1 is now approaching its end of shelf-life, you have your last chances to save the infamous SHSH2 blobs for future downgrades with Prometheus. If you did not save them, I recommend you to do so RIGHT NOW. Some tutorials for that are available down in the description.
How to Save Your SHSH2 Blobs
How to Save Your SHSH2 Blobs on iPhone
iOS 11, WWDC 17 & iOS 10.3.1 Jailbreak Info, Save SHSH2
Yalu Jailbreak Forever – How to Resign Yalu Automatically (No PC)
iOS 10.2 – 10 Best iOS Themes (for Yalu Jailbreak)