With all the commotion created by Luca Todesco's decision to join Apple's Bug Bounty Program, things will stay a bit different for Jailbreaking.
Apple is taking the week off from releases due to US Holidays, which means that we can expect the iOS 10.2.1 Public Release (or less likely, a new Beta) by next week. Why is this important? Well, Although iOS 10.2.1 has nothing but bug fixes, it is important for Jailbreaking because once released, Apple will go almost all lengths to get you updated: You know, reminders, software update notices, automatic downloads and tricky postpone diallogs, all specific to Apple Software Update mechanism. In the video we discuss about how you can prevent the device from downloading any new update and how to stop it from giving you update notifications and pop ups.
If you are on iOS 10.1.1, would be great for you to remain there even if your device is not supported by Yalu Jailbreak Yet.
Stop iOS From Auto-Updating: https://youtu.be/8-2OmdrMLTo
iOS 10.1.1 Yalu Jailbreak: https://youtu.be/7ufkTAQwbS0
Bad News About Luca And Yalu? https://youtu.be/ilm7rv6QDWM