iOS 9.3.4 – iPhone 6 Setup.App Patch for CFW iCloud Bypass | New Place for Patches

Today I created the Setup.App patch for iPhone 6 iOS 9.3.4 as a lot of you requested in the comments section.
This patch is only compatible with iPhone 6, and you must use it according to the tutorial linked bellow.

Also, today I created a new way of organizing the patches. I created a table holding all patches per iOS / Device so that you can stay updated without browsing on playlists.
Check it out:

In order to create the CFW, you can follow the video for iPhone 5 I posted in the description, it is still up to date. As a base software, use iPhone 5,1 iOS 9.2.1 for 6,1 and 5,2 iOS 9.2.1 for 6,2.

In order to attempt restoring, you will need an updated version of LibiMobileDevice that IS compatible with x64 devices so that you won't get FDR-related errors after starting the process.
The updated version can be found here, in the video description or in the video I released yesterday. There is also an OS X version released.

==Download Section==
The Patch:!UxEWXQjB!i66nRdI1N8Jj-Sed3sEg4xgwrJHk7hRjpGrFONW-7Cs

==More info==
Patches Table:
CFW Creation Tutorial:
Updated LibiMobiledevice:


About GeoSn0w

C#, C, Objective-C Programmer | Beginner iOS Security Researcher | Content Creator | Web Developer I like to bring the latest news from the iOS / iDevice / Jailbreak battlefield to you in a beautiful manner :) I hope you like the site. If you do, don't forget to check out my channel :)