iOS 10.1.1 – iPhone 6 Plus Setup.App Patch for CFW | Decrypting iPhone 6 Kernel

Today I released the iPhone 6 Plus iOS 10.1.1 Setup.App Patch for those of you running OS X or Linux (and even Windows) as the Firmware Manager app I built containing an automated patcher is only available for Windows. This Setup.App was invalidated for the CFW purpose.

Good news, the locked iPhone 6 I bought on eBay a couple of months ago finally arrived today and so I can start my research on it, although I can't promise anything, I hope it will be a conclusive research 🙂

So, to start the research already, I will also show you in this video some basic Reverse Engineering on the iPhone 6 iOS 10.1.1 KernelCache. The kernel is not only important for Jailbreaking, it is extremely important for iCloud Bypass as well, because exploring it and finding possible vulnerabilities unlocks new "doors" for you to use. I definitely recommend ANYONE who want to ever be able to bypass iCloud to take my iOS Reverse Engineering for Beginners playlist and learn. Only by knowing the system you can mess with it.

==Download Section==
iPhone 6 Plus Setup.App for iOS 10.1.1:
iPhone 6 Setup.App Patch:
iPhone 5S Patch:

==iPhone 6 Kernel R.E. Part==
Hopper v3:

F.A.Q. Page:


About GeoSn0w

C#, C, Objective-C Programmer | Beginner iOS Security Researcher | Content Creator | Web Developer I like to bring the latest news from the iOS / iDevice / Jailbreak battlefield to you in a beautiful manner :) I hope you like the site. If you do, don't forget to check out my channel :)