iPhone 5S – iOS 10.2 Beta – Setup.App Patch for CFW iCloud Bypass & Some Explanations

Today I released the Setup.App Patch for iPhone 5S running iOS 10.2 Beta 1 or 2 as some of you requested it on comments or private messages. This beta was released a couple of days ago and it is available for anybody on the iPhone Wiki.

Long answer: Well, as you probably know, I had a couple of polls running about this in my previous videos and some of you voted. The vote concluded with positive for making a CFW tutorial so I will make one tomorrow. Please do vote in the card of this video for which version, iOS 10.2 Beta or iOS 10.1.1.

This patch is mostly intended for those of you running Linux or OS X on a MAC (or Windows). As you most likely figured out, the Firmware Manager app I built containing an automated patcher is only compatible with Windows. Warning! This is a work in development! YOU MUST read the F.A.Q. page before starting to tamper with iOS.

Good news, the locked iPhone 6 I bought on eBay a couple of months ago finally arrived today and so I can start my research on it, although I can't promise anything, I hope it will be a conclusive research 🙂

==Download Section==
iPhone 5S iOS 10.2 b: https://goo.gl/WiVI7o
==Other Patches==
iPhone 5 iOS 10.1.1 Setup: https://youtu.be/6k4sv2TkzuU
iPhone 6S iOS 10.1.1 Setup: https://goo.gl/ay3xfn
iPhone 6 Plus Setup.App for iOS 10.1.1: https://youtu.be/p4yaAEZhvLE
iPhone 6 Setup.App Patch: https://goo.gl/0syYfG
iPhone 5S Patch: https://goo.gl/AedJqz


About GeoSn0w

C#, C, Objective-C Programmer | Beginner iOS Security Researcher | Content Creator | Web Developer I like to bring the latest news from the iOS / iDevice / Jailbreak battlefield to you in a beautiful manner :) I hope you like the site. If you do, don't forget to check out my channel :)