iOS 10.3 B2 iPhone 5 CFW iCloud Bypass Setup.App | About APFS

In today's video, following a quite popular request, I present you the iOS 10.3 Beta 2 iPhone 5 (5,1 and 5,2) Setup.App Patch for CFW iCloud Bypass Research. This patch, as all others follow the invalidation method to prevent the application from starting and locking the device. iOS 10.3 Beta 2 uses a new File System Format dropping the legacy HFS+ one, so in today's video we also talk about APFS (Apple File System) that is introduced in iOS 10.3, and we're going to clarify why you get "No MAC HFS Volume Found" on TransMAC on Windows.

Fortunately, iPhone 5 and 5C hasn't got updated with the new APFS format on iOS 10.3 Beta 2, which means the tools like TransMAC can still open its DMG files and you can follow the tutorial for CFW with no problem from the DMG side.
As for x64, users have to wait for an update to TransMAC to get support for APFS as well. For the moment, APFS DMGs can only be opened on macOS Sierra. iOS 10.2.1 is also still signed and uses the old HFS+ format. iPhone 5 and 5C's DMGs can still be opened on Windows.

Setup.App Patch:
CFW Creation Tutorial:

==Important Resources==
Setup.App Documentation:
F.A.Q. Page (Seriously, read it!):
About APFS:


About GeoSn0w

C#, C, Objective-C Programmer | Beginner iOS Security Researcher | Content Creator | Web Developer I like to bring the latest news from the iOS / iDevice / Jailbreak battlefield to you in a beautiful manner :) I hope you like the site. If you do, don't forget to check out my channel :)

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