iOS 10.3.3 Jailbreak UPDATE: Save Your Blobs! | Adam’s Exploit, Should You Update?

Since iOS 10.3.3 is going to be released soon, as Apple has already changed the Build Number in the Beta 6, I've decided to talk about it in this video, of course in regards to iOS Jailbreaking.

Most of the times the #Jailbreak requires you to be on a specific firmware version. Too new, and you won't be able to Jailbreak anymore. That has been going on for ages and it is well known that you have more chances on a lower version. For the moment, iOS 10.3.2 is the current version with iOS 10.3.3 nearly here. Once iOS 10.3.3 comes out, we can expect iOS 10.3.2 to stop being signed, so go ahead and save your SHSH2 Blobs right now.

Why are the #SHSH2 Blobs so important?
Good question. See, all downgrade methods on #iOS require these small files called SHSH2 blobs to be saved when the iOS version in cause is still signed. These files are taken from the Apple Server, so if the iOS version in cause is no longer signed by Apple, there is no way to obtain them afterwards. Due to the design of the trusted BootChain on iOS, the iDevice will verify the blob at BootTime and at Restore, so there is no way you can downgrade without having them saved.

About Adam Donenfeld's #Exploit, it is supposed to be released somewhere in August, and we managed to track it down to August 21 to 25. It has been announced back in May on Adam's Twitter, and even back then, Adam made it clear that you should save your SHSH blobs, which back then meant iOS 10.3.1. Of course, by now, iOS 10.3.1 is no longer signed.

Save SHSH2 Blobs
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About GeoSn0w

C#, C, Objective-C Programmer | Beginner iOS Security Researcher | Content Creator | Web Developer I like to bring the latest news from the iOS / iDevice / Jailbreak battlefield to you in a beautiful manner :) I hope you like the site. If you do, don't forget to check out my channel :)