Apple has finally released the iOS 10.3.3 which has been in #Beta for quite a while. The release contains bug fixes and more importantly, vulnerability patches. In fact, quite a lot of vulnerability patches.

Why yes! #iOS 10.3.3 patched quite a lot of WebKit vulnerabilities and also an important WiFi one that could have been used by a nearby attacker to control your WiFi Chip remotely. Speaking about this vulnerability, you should keep in mind that it is still present in iOS 10.3.2 and lower, so you should be very careful what public WiFi networks or VPNs you join. A few Kernel vulnerabilities were also patched.

Speaking about vulnerabilities, according to Ben Hawkes of Google Project 0: "iOS 10.3.3 fixes CVE-2017-7047. If you’re interested in userspace research on iOS, keep a device on 10.3.2 or below. Tool release next week." Now I'd like to clear this up, this does NOT mean jailbreak release. HE will most likely release a tool for devs to somehow use the vulnerability (I am speculating here), but the recommendation is valid for #Jailbreak too. Stay as lower as possible. iOS 10.3.3 fixed a huge amount of vulnerabilities. At least some of them could have been used in a Jailbreak, so between iOS 10.3.2 and iOS 10.3.3, I would stay on 10.3.2.

Speaking about Jailbreak and iOS 10.3.3, if you did not see my video that I made yesterday, go ahead and watch it. I've explained better in there the matters about Jailbreak and the version you should be on, as well as the situation with Adam's exploit. The video is here:

iOS 10.3.3 Patched Vulnerabilities
iOS 10.3.3 Jailbreak UPDATE: Save Your Blobs! | Adam's Exploit, Should You Update?
iOS 10.3.3 JAILBREAK JULY STATUS: NEW Jailbreak Team, New BlueYalu, iOS 10.3.2 Exploit
iOS 11 NEW Jailbreak Team (TIGRIS) (Legit Developers) Explained
iOS 10.3.2 NEW EXPLOIT RELEASED (Will it help the Jailbreak?)
iOS 10.3.3 JAILBREAK for 64-bit by YoYuppe? | Is it legit?


About GeoSn0w

C#, C, Objective-C Programmer | Beginner iOS Security Researcher | Content Creator | Web Developer I like to bring the latest news from the iOS / iDevice / Jailbreak battlefield to you in a beautiful manner :) I hope you like the site. If you do, don't forget to check out my channel :)